FollowCraig: “Boxes Packed”

and you’re till reading…….

Oh my G..! It’s moving day again. What a stressful and crazy thing it is to move from one home to another. The excitement of the new place to live can certainly be a joy and yet leaving the old can be so very exhausting. I remember when I was young how often our family moved before I was even 10 years old, (it was like once a year). Then we bought a home and I didn’t move again until my late teens. Then again, it never stopped. For years to come I had lost count how many homes, apartments, rooms and such I have lived. After all these years one would think it’s easy for me to pack up and go?

Well it’s not.

I think the hardest part about moving are the memories. In my life as I have moved from place to place and many things have been lost. Most were just things that could easily be replaced and some are impossible to ever replace. Memories however remain and for me often that is all that remains, so I have learned to covet these memories. All the experiences like the kids playing or the first time they walked or talked. That first report card or the loss of someone dear. All the celebrations, all the tears and all the memories that can only go into boxes, “Mind Boxes” packed away to be opened from time to time and just for us. My mind is filled with these “Boxes Packed” full of joy, sadness, love. emotion and photographs of my life so far. Little time capsules of sorts?

As I listen and watch others who are moving from place to place, my curiosity to know what they are feeling is certainly a wonder. Yet I know like me their memories are stored away.

This all comes to my mind as this move is upon me. Almost seven years ago my life began to settle from years of moving and no longer did I feel like a gypsy wondering where I would sleep next. This has been a wondrous experience and I cherish it so much. So now as we get ready to move to our new home it occurs to me this may very well be my last move. All the “Mind Boxes” are coming and they filled to the brim, and some are even ready to be opened for the last time. Pictures of life experiences and family will be placed on our walls so we can easily peer into those boxes of life. I am excited about this move, I truly am. An excitement of content so to speak, one of content within myself.

My dearest friend “Claude” said to me years ago that there are few better feelings than having a key to your own front door. How very true that is! I have had a key to my own front door for sometime now and I am so grateful.

I hope if you are moving or have moved that you can find a way to keep your memories close, that you too can find peace and be settled. That you can be in a place to begin opening your “Mind Boxes” and look forward to the new joys ahead.

Thanks for reading and please keep following…….


FollowCraig: You Gotta Let Go To Embrace The Flow…John Page Burton

Some terrific writing from my friend John Burton. A must read!

You Gotta Let Go To Embrace The Flow…John Page Burton.

just keep following…….


FollowCraig: Pots & Pans!

you’re still following…….

In today’s world we have many things we can’t live without, ie; SmartPhones, I-pads, TV, telephone’s, computers, cars and yes; Pots & Pans! I remember while getting divorced after being married for so many years. I had a phone, a car, computer even a TV. However one day while at home by myself, I realized I had no Pot’s & Pans? How could I cook and take care of myself without these basic tools? Of course the problem was easy to fix, all I needed to do was take a little action and buy Pots & Pans. Problem solved! Looking back now, that was an easy problem to solve! So why does it take so long to realize that most problems are just as easy to solve? Life’s problems are like those Pots & Pans, we need the tools to feed our minds and souls and we only need to take the steps and actions to get them. Your life, your faith, your loves are all in your hands. They are your gifts to receive and to give!

…..once again, I’m still writing and you’re still reading, so please keep following….

